Dr. Pruett appears frequently in the New York Times, on National Public Radio and Television. An acclaimed speaker and teacher, he has addressed the National Press Club, educated judges, lawyers, business leaders and physicians in many states and countries, and advised dozens of legislators and policy makers at the state and national level. He is past-president of Zero to Three: The National Center for Infants, Toddlers and their Families, and a past member of the Sesame Workshop Board of Directors. Dr. Pruett is featured in the award-winning Zero to Three Podcast series “Little Kids, Big Questions,” the Goddard Schools ‘Parenting in Five” and the Johnson and Johnson video.

Educated in Indiana public schools, and Yale and Tufts Universities,
he has served as a forensic consultant on child, parental and family development, paternal involvement, children’s mental health, creativity, and the effects of media, trauma, and divorce on children. He was Visiting Professor at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Pruett co-founder of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium at Yale and the United Nations with recent presentations in Istanbul, Marrakech, Florence, and the UN/UNICEF in New York. He served as early childhood consultant to the Salama bint Hamdan Foundation, Abu Dhabi, UAE. A member of the Performing Arts Medicine Association, Dr. Pruett is also a gifted musician and regularly performs as a soloist in opera, oratorio and vocal chamber music. He is father to three daughters and one son, grandfather of four, and is married to Dr. Marsha Kline Pruett, the Maconda Brown Professor of Psychology and Social Work at Smith College.